Demographic data indicate that the gender and race inequality present in Brazilian society is reflected categorically in the job world, both in public and private organizations. Therefore, organizations should be part of actions to adress instaled inequalities. This effort would be reflected in the strategies of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE) promoted by companies. The adoption of this agenda by the public setor is more recent, but it has been gaining space in the debates. The article has as its general objective to support the relevance of implementing DIE policies focused on gender and race in federal public administration. Addicionally, the article has the following specific objectives: defining diversity, inclusion, and equity; explaining the main procedures required for the implementation of diversity, inclusion, and equity programs; and describing selected strategies of diversity, inclusion, and equity implemented in the Federal Public Administration in recent years, highlighting advances and limitations found. Regarding the methodology, the research uses the qualitative aproach of an aplied nature using both bibliography and case procedures. It is concluded that DIE strategies are aplicable and essencial for a more democratic and plural configuration of federal server board. It has been found that there are already iniciatives in this direction and that a process of consolidation and expansion is required for those strategies. For the continuity of the academic debate in this temathic it is recomended the deepning in the hipoteses that DIE iniciatives could be dealt as part of the governance and compliance systems in organizations.
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