Openness, transparency, collaboration and social participation are some of the topics covered in this paper, the object of study of which is Open Government and the contribution of information and communication technology to promoting closer relations between the state and society. In methodological terms, it is a descriptive study based on a literature review, analysis and summarized information provided by organizations committed to transparency. Throughout this paper, the Open Government concept, its purpose, principles and pillars will be discussed. The US experience, one of the benchmark countries in this area, and that of Brazil will be presented. Detailed information will be provided on how the education sector has been using the technology and foundations of Open Government to provide new and better solutions. Certain challenges faced in the data opening process will be pointed out, and the final section will present a reflection on the performance and role of Brazil’s Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) in stimulating and controlling Open Government practices, data and information and in promoting government transparency, collaboration and social participation.Os textos aprovados são publicados sem alteração de conteúdo. Os conceitos e opiniões emitidas em trabalhos doutrinários assinados são de inteira responsabilidade de seus autores. Os artigos publicados poderão ser divulgados em outros canais, desde que citada a Revista do TCU, ano, número e data de publicação como primeiro veiculador do trabalho.
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