Given the reality of the country regarding the scarcity of resources, especially financial ones,
advances in public management have presented several options for governmental action, whether
federal, state or municipal, with proposals for focusing public policies, but little put into practice.
By observing this scenario, with the adjustment of investments and efforts, to calibrate the
delivery capacity of governments, more and more tools are needed to support the direction
taken, which evidences the correctness of decision-making based on data and information
closer to the effectiveness of actions.
Recently, there have been variations of public policy evaluations, but they do not permeate a
timelines that is appropriate to the government cycle. The state of Goiás developed the Executive
Analysis of Results, which, based on the program Goiás Mais Competitivo e Inovador, seeks to
present the results achieved in a more objective and timely manner
The Executive Analysis of Results guides or promotes the correction of governmental actions based
on the evolution of strategic indicators and their associates. The prerogative of the Executive Analysis
of Results is to provide a scenario that is evaluated much less frequently than that of the publication
of indicators by the official institutions. Thus, public managers can monitor the effectiveness of their
actions and, if necessary, redesign and repackage projects to achieve their goals.
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